Digital Document Wallet
With the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Mandate in place, the next step towards the digitalization of electronic records could be focused on transferring documents and certificates of healthcare workers and clinicians. Below are the key outcomes of our survey of 10,000+ DirectShifts' member clinicians about the current scenario of how they are maintaining their certificates and documents and the difficulties they face while storing them.
1. Where do you currently store your professional credentialing documentation?
We found that 49.30% of clinicians were using personal computer drives to store their documents and 22.4% were using Google Drives this ads upto a total of 71.7% of clinicians store their documents online. While 28.30% of people are still using offline modes for storing their documents.

2. How do you currently share your professional credentialing documentation with employers on a regular basis?
- We found that 89.6% of clinicians are sending emails and 10% of clinicians are sending faxes as a mode of sharing documents with employers. An alarming rate of 30% of clinicians is still using the in-person mode of sending documents.

3. Would you subscribe to a secure digital wallet that organizes and stores your professional credentials and licenses/certifications for you?
47% of clinicians said yes and would like to pay a subscription fee for the same. While 39.4% of clinicians said they do not want to use a secure digital document storing system. The rest, 13.6%, were unsure about their decision.

4. Which features are the most important to you in a digital credentialing wallet?
- 20.9% of clinicians want passcode and password protection
- 13.4% of clinicians imagine 2-Factor authentication with email notification and/or SMS
- 19.4% of clinicians said to manage the upcoming expiration dates for any certifications or licenses
- 16.4% of clinicians said maintaining professional credentials up to date
- 22.4% of clinicians said uploading and sharing the credentialing documentation with employers
- 6% of clinicians said either none or all of the above

With this we can conclude that if clinicians are offered a high security digital document storing facility with apt features and fair pricing, majority of them would definately use as well pay for the service.
Key takeaways from this survey
- Secure Safe-keeping of important information in one place- The main advantage of storing your paperwork in an electronic format is having your files protected and secure from data thieves and unwanted visitors.
- Data backup in case of disasters: Keeping a backup of all your important documents will save you from the situation of losing them entirely.
- Easily accessible whenever and wherever—Among the good things concerning saving your records electronically is the simplicity with which information is restored and utilized. An online mode of storing information allows you to search for the document in a number of different ways, making information easier to find.
- Offline mode of storing information: There still exists a population who feels saving a physical copy of documents is more handy, easy to monitor, recoverable, and less prone to cybersecurity threats.
- Go paperless: There is no doubt that the environment is a factor to consider when going paperless, as the United States alone uses 12.1 trillion sheets of paper per year, according to The World Counts, an organization that tracks statistics about the state of our planet.
Aiming to transform the healthcare industry into a digitally empowered sector, DirectShifts brings to you the Digital Document Wallet. This feature helps organize, manage, and track your credentialing documentation on a secure, free platform.
How it Works
- Securely share credentialing material- Make credentialing easier! Stop faxing and scanning documents! No more emails with attachments to your employers! Privately and securely share your credentialing documents
- Easy Document Management- Never forget to renew your certifications or licenses! Our platform notifies you of any inbound expiration dates, so you can get the renewal process started well in advance. Want help with the renewal? Our credentialing and licensing experts can help!
- Free to Use- Documentation storage is absolutely free! Just sign up and create your DirectShifts profile, and store your professional documentation and certificates.
- Safe, Secure, and Private- All documentation is private, secure, and password protected. No one can access your documentation unless you grant them access!
- 2- Factor Authentication- Add an additional layer of security with 2-Factor Authentication. Link your account with a valid email, phone, or 2FA app. Coming soon
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